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352 Structural Change of an Academic Unit

Authority: Approved by the Board of Trustees
Last Updated: June 14, 2013
352.1 Structural Change of an Academic Unit

A structural change includes establishment, reorganization, abolition, merger, and subdivision, of colleges, departments, and other academic units of the University.

352.2 Reorganization, Abolition, or Merger of Academic Unit(s)

Proposals to reorganize, discontinue, or to merge, existing departmental academic units may be initiated internally by the department faculty or externally by the College Committee, Dean, or Provost.

  • 352.2.1  Proposals to reorganize, discontinue, or to merge, existing departmental academic units may be initiated internally by the department faculty.  Following this initial step, the proposal will be sent for approval to the department chairperson, the School/College Committee housing the Curriculum Committee unit, the Dean, and subsequently to the Provost’s Office, University CAAC, the Executive Committee and the Faculty Senate.  As the document proceeds forward, a clear rationale and minutes, where appropriate, must be included from each entity involved whether it is supportive of the action or not. These materials will be forwarded to University CAAC. Should the Proposal be rejected at any level(s) in the process below that of University CAAC, the Proposal will nevertheless proceed following the chain of authority to University CAAC.  CAAC’s recommendation will be forwarded to the Faculty Senate and Provost for review. 
  • 352.2.2  Proposals may be initiated externally (by the College Committee of the Unit, the Academic Dean, or the Provost).  Proposals that are initiated externally will proceed up the chain of authority, beginning with the unit faculty, and be forwarded from the School/College Dean to the Provost’s office and on to University CAAC. As the document proceeds forward, a clear rationale and minutes, where appropriate, must be included from each entity involved whether it is supportive of the action or not. These materials will be forwarded to University CAAC.  As above, the proposal will proceed forward following the chain of authority to the level of the University CAAC.  CAAC’s recommendation will be forwarded to the Faculty Senate and Provost for review.
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